(*Mandatory Field)
Please enter in English


Loan Amount Required* HK$,000
  Repayment Terms*Month(s)
Processing Branch

Personal Details
I.D. No.* -
Surname* Given Name(Full name as appeared on H.K.I.D. Card)
Surname (Name in Chinese) Given Name (Name in Chinese)
Date of Birth (M/D/Y)* / /
Marital Status

Contact Details
Residential Address* Flat/ Room Floor Block/ Name of Building
  Phase/ Site Name of Estate/ Garden
  No. of Street/ Rd Name of Street/ Road
Length of residence at present address (Y/M) /
Type of Residential Address    
Monthly Mortgage Instalment HK$    
Monthly Rental HK$    
Residential Phone No. Mobile Phone No.*
E-mail Address Best contact time 

Name of Employer/Company*
Nature of Business
Office Address Flat/ Room Floor Block/ Name of Building
  Phase/ Site Name of Estate/ Garden
  No. of Street/ Rd Name of Street/ Road
Office Phone No. Ext  Position
Year of Service (Y/M) /    
Monthly Income* Basic Salary HK$
  Other Income HK$

Tax Information
File No.
Shroff A/C No.
Amount of tax payable

Credit Reference
Personal Loan  
Total no. of personal loan
Total monthly payment amount HK$
Total outstanding balance HK$
Credit Card & Revolving Loan
Total no. of credit card and revolving loan account with outstanding balance
Total outstanding balance HK$

Declaration on Disclosure of the Information of Third Party

Please make the inquiry for the related loan application in person at the Company's loan branch if you are disagreed with below declarations.

I/We confirm to the following terms and conditions for loan application:

Refer to this loan application, I/We have not entered into or signed any agreement with any person or company ("third party") for or in relation to the procuring, negotiation, obtaining or application of the loan, guaranteeing or securing the repayment of the loan (other than an agreement with solicitors instructed by the intending borrower for the provision of legal services solely).

Refer to this loan application, the third party has not charged, recovered, demanded or received and/or will not charge, recover, demand or receive any fees, charges, reward or consideration.

Borrower Declaration
I/We declare that all data and information stated by myself/ourselves in this application is true, accurate and complete and I/We have obtained the prior consent of the referee(s) for their information to be provided and used in relation to this application. I/We also declare that I/We have no intention to submit bankruptcy petition in the coming 12 months. I/We understand that I/We may contact United Asia Finance Limited ("the Company") to obtain the address of the credit reference agency so as to access for a credit report if I/We shall consider it necessary.


I/We further agree and authorize the Company to:


disclose, exchange all data and information contained herein together with particulars of my/our account(s) with the Company to any credit reference agencies, banks, financial institutions, debt collection agencies or any other information sources for consideration of this application;
access my/our credit data held by the credit reference agency and to obtain a credit report for consideration of this application and/or for further account review which include but not limited to my/our further loan application with the Company through telephone, internet, fax or whatever channels acceptable to the Company. I/We understand and agree that the Company may conduct such reviews to determine if my/our existing credit/loan amount should be increased or decreased or remained unchanged;
approve or decline my/our application at its absolute discretion without stating any reasons and without returning to me/us the copies of supportive documents for this application;
deposit any sum of the loan proceeds to my/our designated bank account previously identified to you at time of application (if any) for loan disbursement;
collect all data that are required to support this application and I/We have been advised of my/our right to access, update or amend such data and information held by the Company or credit reference agency;
provide me from time to time with the marketing and product information from the Company through direct contact with me and/or access through any electronic means including but not limited to use of telephone calls, email, fax, SMS/MMS, pre-recorded voice/video messages;
hold, use, process and disclose all personal data and information relating to me which are provided by me at the request of the Company or collect in the course of dealings between me and the Company for such marketing and other purposes and to such persons in accordance with the Company’s policies on use and disclosure of personal data as set out in statements, circulars, notices or terms and conditions made available by the Company to customers and other individuals from time to time, irrespective of whether my application is subsequently withdrawn or rejected;
obtain effect and take out life insurance (at the Company’s own costs and expenses without recourse to me/us) to protect the Company’s interest against my/our indebtedness due to the Company in the event of my/our death, with the Company being made the policy owner and the sole and ultimate beneficiary under such insurance policy and for this purpose, I/we authorize and consent to the Company disclosing all my/our personal data and information (including but not limited to my/our names, identification document numbers, loan account numbers, loan amount and outstanding indebtedness from time to time) to insurer(s) that the Company choose to obtain effect and take out such insurance. I/We further confirm and agree that the ownership interest rights title and benefit under such insurance belongs to the Company solely and personally and does not form any security against my/our indebtedness to the Company.

I/We acknowledge receipt of and have read and agreed with the Company’s "Notice to Customers and Other Individuals Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data" (“Notice”). I/We further agree that all information provided by me/us in this application form and such personal data relating to me/us collected by the Company from time to time may be used and disclosed for such purposes and to such persons (whether the recipient is located in Hong Kong or another country, or in a country that does not offer the same level of data protection as Hong Kong) in accordance with the Company’s policies on use and disclosure of personal data as set out in the Notice, which may be subject to changes from time to time. I/We further acknowledge that I/we have been advised by the Company that I/we may exercise my/our opt-out right any time for not sending me/us with the direct marketing materials by notifying the Company.

I/We have read United Asia Finance Limited ("the Company")'s "Notice to Customers and Other Individuals Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data" (“Notice”) and have also responded to the Company's intended use of my personal data for direct marketing.
If you do not wish United Asia Finance Limited to use your personal data in direct marketing, please click here.