Terms and Conditions for UA Bonus Points Program
- The UA's Bonus Points Program ("the Program") introduced on 1st January 2007 is subject to the following terms and conditions.
- The Program is only available to UA's specific unsecured consumer loan products. The specific unsecured consumer loan products will be determined and announced by UA from time to time and shall also be subject to change by UA at its absolute discretion.
- For specific instalment loan customers, you will be awarded 0.176 Bonus Points for every HK$1.00 you borrow. For UA e-Cash customers, you will be awarded 0.176 Bonus Points for every HK$1.00 you spend on retail consuming or cash withdraw by using your e-Cash account. The counting unit in awarding Bonus Points will be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Please note that for e-Cash accounts, the maximum bonus points for each month shall be the sum you spend on retail consuming or cash withdraw x 0.176 or your credit limit x 0.176, whichever is lower. (For example, if the credit limit is HK$10,000.00, you will get 1,760 Bonus Points maximum for that month even your retail consuming and/or cash withdraw is over HK$10,000.00 for that particular month). This clause shall be read in conjunction with clause no.20 of the terms and conditions of this program.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the Program is not available to customers specifically stated in clause no.2 of the terms and conditions whose accounts are not in good standing.
- Awarded Bonus Points under the Program shall be accumulated in respect of each account up to the end of next year. For example, any Bonus Points you earned in year 2007 will be accumulated and brought forward up to 31st December 2008. Any accumulated Bonus Points not yet redeemed after 31st December 2008 will be forfeited or cancelled.
- Bonus Points accumulated in respect of your instalment loan account and e-Cash account will be shown on your Loan Confirmation Letter and e-Cash Monthly Statement respectively. Your accumulated Bonus Points will be carried over when your loan is renewed or re-booked with us. Also, you may check your Bonus Points balance via UA's customer services hotline or any other methods that provide by UA at any time you wish.
- For UA's specific instalment loan customers, you shall only be entitled to exercise your rights to use your Bonus Points for redemption on condition that you must have repaid at least three instalments of that instalment loan account or have your account fully repaid, whichever is the earlier. For UA e-Cash customers, you shall be entitled to exercise your rights to use your Bonus Points for redemption on condition that you must have your account opened for not less than 3 months or have your account fully repaid, whichever is the earlier.
- For Bonus Points offered to introducers under our Customer Referral Program, the qualified introducers are entitled to exercise their right to redeem their Bonus Points any time at their discretion.
- UA Bonus Points can be redeemed in the manner as set out in our UA Bonus Points Catalog for goods, services, hotel privileges, gifts or cash coupons. This Bonus Points Catalog can be downloaded from UA's web site or viewable at any UA's branches. For UA's specific instalment loan customers, your accumulated Bonus Points will be shown on the latest issued Loan Confirmation Letter or such other notice as may be sent to you by UA at its discretion. For UA e-Cash customers, it will be shown on your e-Cash Monthly Statement.
- Cash Coupons, once issued by UA may not be returned in exchange for the Bonus Points which have been used to redeem such Cash Coupons. Use of the Cash Coupon is subject to the terms and conditions specified on the Cash Coupon.
- UA Bonus Points accumulated under your account are only redeemable if your account is current or in good standing (for example, there is no past due balance on your account), disregarding whether your account is settled or not.
- UA Bonus Points are not transferable and your Bonus Points accumulated will be forfeited when your UA account is not in good standing in the discretion of UA. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any UA Bonus Points awarded to you, which remain unredeemed, will be forfeited or cancelled after such period as specified in this terms and conditions or any other period UA may prescribe from time to time.
- Redemption order for any merchandize or item ("Product") is subject to availability of the Product. Redemption form may be placed by fax, mail or through Internet (applicable to e-Cash Revolving Loan Account Holders only) or any of our branches.
- UA will not be responsible for any damage or loss incurred arising from the supply, installation, use or otherwise of the Products or of any negligence, breach of statutory or other duty on the part of UA.
- UA makes no representation or warranty on the quality or ownership of intellectual or industrial property rights subsisting in the Products.
- UA shall have the right, without prior notice to or consent of the customer terminate UA Bonus Points or cancel or vary its benefits or features, or vary, add to or delete any of these Terms and Conditions, or withdraw or change the participants of UA Bonus Points, or modify or limit the value of UA Bonus Points and/or the manner of their redemption even though any of such acts may diminish the value of the UA Bonus Points already accumulated.
- This catalog is valid until it is replaced by a new UA Bonus Points Catalog or until such time it may be determined by UA without prior notice to customer. All UA Bonus Points selections are non-returnable. UA or participants of the UA Bonus Points may make similar substitution without advance notice when necessary. The offer of UA Bonus Points shall always be subject to the current applicable laws.
- Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in the UA Bonus Points Catalog is accurate. UA is not responsible for errors or omission for the contents contained in the Bonus Points Catalog.
- Redemption order once accepted by UA may not be revoked or cancelled.
- UA reserves the right to change at any time and without prior notices the ratio between (a) a UA Bonus Points to be awarded and (b) the specified loan amount borrowed or the amount you spent on retail consuming and/or cash withdraw.
- These terms are translated from English to Chinese for guidance only. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, the English version will prevail.
Terms & Conditions